The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yes, I do. I would like to see some mountains, some snow, some big
trees and some wildlife. I'm tired of the ocean, the beach and hippies !

TPBM would like to join me...

Not the mountains, but the blufflands in southeastern Minnesota. Going to test out the new GPS I just picked up and see if I can locate some wild Turkeys. Hope the weather co-operates.

If you consider coming too during on of my surgeries medical training, then yes I have...

TPBM was lured into a false sence of security thinking that Spring had arrived only to be hit by a major winter storm!!!!!!!
Well, No.... not a major storm, but the temperature sure took a nose-dive.
Temps today ..... hight 83F, presently 74 (at 2130), but rain again tomorrow.

TPBM thinks spring is never going to come....


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