The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands.

Howz that for starters....?

TPBM Would like to have Virginia's rain.....

No thanks, we're getting our own shortly..

Charles, you forgot to mention our large West Island, the big brown one with the funny accent people on it.....

TPBM would love to visit that 'west Island'
If you're referring to "Oz" (your island ?) yes, I would like to go there.
I have been to New Zealand (Christchurch), but didn't get to see much.

TPBM is a world traveler (like me)...

Nope, I've heard plenty "artists" that couldn't even sing it frontways!!!

TPBM can navigate the woods with the use of a Map and Compass and has no need for a GPS unit.
Nope, broke enough bones and body parts in my lifetime just minding my own business.

TPBM is an Evil Kneivel wannabe though.
Evil Kneivel was a motorcycle jumper. He would jump big things on a motor-
cycle. The fountain at Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas, a dozen school busses.
Even tried jumping a canyon with a rocket propelled motorcycle. A wannabe
is someone who would like to follow in his footsteps. You're not the type,
Mon Ami !

TPBM is getting OT today...

No, can't eat when I get up, have to wait a couple of hours. My stomach
can't handle food first thing in the morning....

TPBM is going out for Chinese at lunchtime...


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