The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Absolutely not. Dad did that all the time when we'd go deer hunting. I tried it once and it was awful, made cheap nasty beer even nastier.

TPBM has heard of the Surly Brewing Company in Minnesota?
Ethanol is not good for you;) Cant' say that I like my Ales warm, but they most definately taste much better on the warmer side of cold. Brings out the flavor. Lagers on the other hand need to be served cold.

TPBM thinks Wine is overrated and a quality beer is hard to beat.
oh depends what you call a binge? I can drink A LOT with no real effect. Last time i did was new years.........

TPBM went for a run today............
Pretty much...I'm allowed to be my own boss unless a domestic matter arises, in which case I am relegated to the role of 'assistant/ servant' (peeling the spuds, for example, is MUCH more important than modelmaking..) :D

TPBM knows what I'm talking about

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