The person below me (TPBM)

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I got up about 3 hours ago actually, made a nice breakfast of eggs and bacon and now I am fixing to go grocery shopping with my wife and have a walk in the woods.

TPBM does not know the true value of money because they dont really have to deal with bills and grocery shopping and taxes.
Nope but I did turn my under shirt inside out on occasion when we would be on field excersises and all the water from frozen to do laundry or I just did not have time. I allways made sure I had eneogh underwear and socks though.

TPBM owns only one pair of underwair and 2 pairs of socks.
Nope that I do not, but I do believe that the world as a whole needs to start taking more care of the environment real quick and I am absolutely against animal cruelty. My wife is almost a tree hugger though.

TPBM do no carethat 35 to 150 species of wild life become extinct every day and will let there children worry about it.
No, but when in highschool I sunbathed on one that my Mamau (Grandmother) made for parents and she went through the roof. And rightly so. Go I hate young adolescents.

TPBM is wondering if Adler was commando under his "quilt" like in that Mel GIbson movie.
LOL, how Bulgogi and Pickled Tapewurms go together? Or should I asky how they DON'T? Honestly, I never had Bull-Goo-whatever...

TPBM once has been raped by a lonely homeless.
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