The person below me (TPBM)

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Yep only last Wednesday on the way to work. Bicycle tyre ripped.

TPBM has never sneaked out the back of a house as the ladies husband entered the front(they were going through the devorce proceedure and I was very young).
Nope. Never.

I've had girls sneak out of my room through the window while I was still in highschool living with the Ps.

TPBM thinks that those who commit adultery with married people are the scum of the earth.
I sure will.

To give you the best answer I went to wikipedia (since all sorts of nuts post there) and found you this information:

"A donkey show is a form of live entertainment in which a person (usually a woman) performs sexual acts with a donkey. It is common for Tijuana and Juarez cab drivers to offer tourists a ride to "donkey shows," yet locals warn that such an offer can easily lead to the tourist(s) being robbed in a remote location. A real donkey show is reportedly performed in Boy's Town, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. [1]"

TPBM is now completely disgusted.
I guess we'll have to see if that date pans out! Fingers crossed!

TPBM wants to have a beer and talk about life.
Evil - no. Some people just can't handle it though and it destroys them.

TPBM is known to drink whiskey from the bottle in a dark corner.
Not from the bottle or in a dark corner, but yes. Goes well with a good cigar.

TPBM wishes football was still on.
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