The person below me (TPBM)

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I guess so. I have to go to Orlando for work in July (bloody heat). Thought I'd bring the family along for Disney World.

TPBM hates the oppressive heat coupled with humidity.
Absolutely true, and I grew up east of Orlando, when the city was 75% orange groves and Disney was some place in California...But heat and humidity don't bother a barefoot and shirtless kid living by the water.

TPBM has never picked and eaten oranges fresh from the tree.
Not true, i grew up with an orange tree, lime, lemon and grapefruit tree in our front yard in CA.

TPBM thinks good wine is sealed with a screw off cap and is flammable.
Nope I am nearing the front side of 30. Funny thing is I have been legally drinking beer since I was 16 because you drink beer in Germany at 16 legally.

TPBM does not like alcohol.
Let's just say it's left a bad mark on my family's history.
(Note, Irish, German, Native American, Swedish)

TPBM hates smoking.
Nope dont hate it. I used to smoke about a pack a day. I quit when I returned from Iraq only to start smoking again a year later. I have since quit again but still have an occasional cigar with a fine whiskey or sometimes a cigarette at a party or bar but normally no more than 1 or 2 a month.
No thank you. When you say shut down you really mean at idle, right. That I've done. Or at least been on the flight.

TPBM has performed an autorotation.
I've done both. Usually just simulating a shut down engine w/ the prop feathered. No autorotation yet - but i got a start date for helos back in pensacola for 9 may. There will be some autorotating then!

TPBM hates working with GPS approaches and longs for simple VOR, TACANS, and ILS appoaches.
VOR, TACANS and ILS? Pppheeww. I wish for the good ole days of LORAN!!

And you have seriously completely shut down an engine inflight!?!?? Who is your Marine instructor! I want to be sure he never recieves a civil license.

TPBM has been in a huge argument with their Mom.
I am. He was gone quite a while, although I'm not around so much lately. Oh, and we all practice flight with an engine shut down. C-12s actually fly much more smoothly with the engine actually shut down than with a "simulated" shut down engine. King Airs are actually nice and stable. LORAN never caught on. I think maybe Canadians use it, and the coast guard uses it I believe.

TPBM has lost hearing from too many years on a flight line w/o hearing protection.
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