The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Not at all. My wife says I'm cheap. I just like to think of myself as savvy and thrifty. We're socking quite a bit of money away now, and we'll put away even more after the next promo.

TPBM pays close attention to the markets and possible investment opportunities.
Not a fortune, not even close. But lost a real jewel in 9/11 I must say.

TPBM thinks investment in stocks and futures is a gamble they aren't willing to take.
No. I've done it a couple of times myself. But it does bring me pride to catch others. Better than Adler catching me! :0

TPBM wishes that Lanc would return so that the Post Police would have a better name.
Figures you caught me... I'm always calling you out!!! Actually I miss lanc and his rabid defense of everything British being superior.

TPBM is trying to plan a vacation getaway with the mrs.
I do! Sorta. We're having an airshow here at NAS Corpus Christi. Should be good! Some F/A-18s were on station yesterday practicing, getting familiar with the airspace.

TPBM has never been to an airshow
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