The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope not interested in that subject at all.

The person below me wishes they could take a whole aircraft apart, inspect it and put it back together and really know what they are doing....
No, I didslike it because I have to keep trying to think of new TPBM's and failing

TPBM is complaining because this post doesnt have a fact to deny. Which is rather an irony considering it is one...dont ya think?
TPBM thinks TPAM (the person above me) spends far too much time thinking about his posts and should probably do some productive like chase women...
Matt308 said:
Wrong. I'm just disappointed that CC has not added to the MP3, WMA upload thread.

TPBM paints their toenails.

Yes I do Gnomey...

Wow, im like, honoured I guess ill have to upload some more stuff then...

TPBM....gets kicks from EU legislations? Well I dont know
umm... that's what it says on my profile

TPBM thinks that the US makes the best of everything
Havent been in a real pub, let alone a pub brawl

TPBM thinks crunchy tacos are mexican food
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