The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope! I really love the 1812 Overture, canon in D, and ride of the valkyries... among many others. Unfortunately, in the 4 moves in 2 years I seem to have lost almost my entire collection - no idea where it went...

TPBM also enjoys classical music.
I dont mind listening to it. I enjoy it. I find that it is the element of rock music. All good musicians in my opinion have an understanding of Classical music as taught to me by the late Cliff Burton.

TPBM does not know who Cliff Burton was?
Yes he is the original Bass player for Metallica and only the greatest Bass Player of all times who unfortunatly passed away while on the Master of Puppets tour during a Bus Accident after a show on Sept 27, 1986 in Sweden.
He is credited with changing the sound of bass and all of his music was based off of Classical influence.

TPBM is now intrigued by Classical music.


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Yes I have 6 tattoos and am soon getting my 7th.
1. Tribal on my left arm.
2. German Imperial Eagle on my left side of chest.
3. Praying Angel on my right shoulder of my back.
4. Naked Lady on my left calf.
5. Tribal Snake on my right calf.
6. Lady Justice on my right arm.

Number 7 will be a dark angel on my left shoulder of my back.

TPBM thinks that getting tattoos is immorally wrong.
No. Just not my bag. Too permanent. My kids buy these expensive rub-on tats. They look real and last 3 weeks or so. That's more my speed.

TPBM thinks rub on tats are silly and for little kids.
I dont think they are silly as long as they are for kids. I had them too when I was a kid, except they came in Cracker Jacks box's and rubbed off over night practically!

TPBM does not even know what Crack Jacks are?
I do not know the story behind the USMC silent platoon or any silent platoon. I was just the drill commander when I was in ROTC and we won a championship in silent drill and it was 4 years of progressivily getting better each year to go to that championship. We were judged by Active Military Silent Drill members.

TPBM will be flying somewhere soon.
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