The person below me (TPBM)

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I'm afraid not....

Just short..."The Marine Corps was founded at Tuns' Tavern outside Philadelphia in 1775, but it was not until 1948 that The Silent Drill Platoon first exhibited their rifle and drill expertise. Without any verbal commands, their performance was so exemplary, that it soon became part and parcel to many parades and ceremonies throughout Washington, DC."

TPBM though that The Silent Drill Platoon was older than that.
No I did not because I did not think that the Marines back in 1775 to 1918 and probably a bit later would twirl and thow those heavy Muskets and later heavy rifles around.

TPBM has fired a muzzle loader.
I don't remember, I may have. A friend of mine used to make blackpowder weapons so i probably did.


Has never been on a 10-day backpacking trip in the mountains
The closest I got was the mandatory one week march when I was in the Swedish Army Rangers. First thing they said when we got into regiment was to pack your backpack(?) and so on. Heavy as f**k I have to say. We had some foreign troops with us that time and they gave up after a few days.
For the sake of a quiet life I won't say who it was though. I'm surprised that they couldn't make it.....

TPBM remember their own march in the military.
You cant let that go!!!!

Who were they?

I was in the airforce... not much marching


thinks Lucky wont share who the dropouts are
Not that I'm aware of. But a lot of dudes found guilty of rape. I had a website that actually tracked these offenders, but can't find it.

TPBM has checked their area too.
Hat carry permits are for either chemotherapy patients or fans of Charley Daniels Band. "Carry permits" are for those citizens that are of the age, maturity, and of sufficient mental faculty to properly sport a weapon of "concealment". Those who abuse the system are indicators that the background check is a farce, representative of those who believe that privacy is more important than public safety or are just your average goblins.

TPBM thinks that violent mental health should be a private matter.
I do... I'm going to Napa Valley for a 3 day weekend. A good friend is getting married and there will be lots of wine tasteing!

TPBM enjoys good wine.
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