I'm back home now, and not looking forward to incessant rain for at least the next two weeks, after such nice weather 200+ miles south and east, in Norfolk.
Last couple of pics from this visit, but I'm hoping that the Covid situation will have eased enough to allow more exploring, and museum and sites of interest visits next spring and summer, when I hope to get a lot more interesting pics.
Pic 1. The sad tale of floppsy bunny. This poor rabbit was spotted outside my van last week, and I thought it strange that it should choose a place in the open, on pebbles, in which to sleep. It was alive, and moving at this point (note the erect ears), but less than fifteen minutes later it keeled over and died, a victim of Myxomatosis.
Pics 2 and 3. I spotted these "contrails" one day and, having the Nikon D3300 and 300mm lens handy, decided to have a bit of a test.
The first pic is the full frame, just re-sized for the forum, and with the lens at full 300mm ( equivalent to 450mm on a 35mm film SLR). I estimated the distance at around 6 to 8 miles, and the altitude at probably 40,000 feet, possibly higher.
The second image is a straight crop from the original, not enlarged, but I altered the contrast and brightness slightly.
Perhaps not a brilliant image, but not bad at that range.
Unfortunately, when there was military aerial activity, it was either screened by trees, or I couldn't grab the cameras quickly enough. One such was one evening last week, when a RAF C-130 Hercules went straight over the edge of the site, quite low, with the para doors open, presumably heading for the DZ on the military training area near Thetford (STANTA).
Anyway, unless I'm able to get out and about on day trips, that's all until the next installment of "The Travels", in spring next year.
Thanks for your interest to date.