The Weather Where You Live?

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After two weeks of nice weather, with some quite warm and sunny days, it's been persisting down all week. Gone cool too - even put the heating back on !
It's raining here in Orange County. In the 30 years I have lived here, this is the first time I can remember it's rained this late in May. The inland parts of socal get occasional thunderstorms, but not here.
Hey Sys, remember the SoCal "El Niño" storms back in the mid-to late 80's? Crazy storms dumped rain (even some snow), spawned tornados and ripped the beaches local piers apart in OC and up the coast. Couldn't blame the Whittier quake on it tho...lmao

We're getting heavy rain right now with low snow levels in the area, temps here at the moment are 44°
Beautiful, sunny and pretty warm outside at the moment with the temp at 26 C. Severe Thunderstorms are moving in though. We even have a tornado warning in effect.
Had some heavy storms in our area last night. About 15 or 20 feet from the northeast corner of our back deck, there is a 60 foot white pine. During the storm it took a lightning strike. No damage to the house although a handful of surge protectors and fuses kicked off. The bark on the tree got blown off in a spiral from the top to the bottom of the tree. Here's the pic of the lower part of the tree:


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