The Weather Where You Live?

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According to Weatherbug (the most accurate forecaster on the planet!:rolleyes:), we topped out at 101F. In June. Can't wait to see what July/August/September are like around here.
H-O-T!!!! Temps approaching 100 Deg. F later today. Tar paved highways were buckling yesterday and it wasn't quite as hot.
The rain coming up from Montana finally stopped after 4 days and the pools of water on the lawn disappeared. The sun actually showed up this evening. The river is quite high and muddy.
A cool day for a change... high's suppose to be in the low to mid 80's (F). Rain forecast for Thursday Friday.

Slightly cool, sunny, a few "sheep" clouds (Altocumulus), 15 C, light wind.

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40 c and windy and not much rain in the past year in south Texas.

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