The Weather Where You Live?

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Showers all day, moderate temperatured for the danish summer: 15-18 C, light winds.
And my edelweiss plants (I've got four) thrive on it.
Am definitely looking forward to try and dry some of the flowers, they should be good for drying and decorating.


Thunder's on the way, and it's incredibly hot and humid - somewhere between 27 and 30 C. *gasps*
Plenty of thunder and lightning has begun.

EDIT some hours later:

We had a wee bit o' water from above - and a little noise, too.
According to Politiken. dk, we had up to 150 milimeters of rain in a couple of hours - that's 5,9 inches.




And some photos from

Frederiksberg, Copenhagen earlier tonight.

Toldbodgade, Copenhagen.

Unknown street, Copenhagen.

Last edited:
Hot! Hot! Hot! 91' w/heat index of 98'

no cooking out today,beef stew w/bread/butter with extended family that's our 4th this year.

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