The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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Received our first dusting this evening in SE Wisconsin. Very unusual for this time of year. Nothing like where I grew up, the Red River Valley, North Dakota, 75 miles from the Canadian border.
Here I am in lovely central Florida. We wait all summer and autumn for the weather to cool off. Here we are, officially in winter, and it was 81F (about 27C) today. OH, COME ON! Yes, that IS a lot cooler than summer, when it hovers around 104F (40C) whenever it's not pouring torrential thunderstorms on us. But still, we want our cool weather! We paid our dues by living through the rest of the year.

Wayne Little Wayne, when I do my pre-trip walkaround, about 130ft., my ears are burning by the time I get into the cab. Just lifting and placing the wheel chocks freeze up the hands. I can't confirm this but estimating a 10kph wind speed brought the windchill factor to -48°Cish
I'm surrounded by white stuff myself, temps hovering in the 20s during the day and the teens at night. But life marches on and I do my best to keep up. can keep that really cold stuff up your way.......currently at the PLUS end of the scale....38.4C at my place and it's not quite midday likely going to top 40C sometime this afternoon....

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