The Weather Where You Live?

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I'm in Lake County. No evac orders yet.

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Well as it stands now, 11:15pm Tuesday night, you're expected to get Cat 2 winds, ~100mph so hunker down bud, make sure you got all the extraneous stuff stored inside so it doesn't become flying debris.

Me, well, right now the eye of that mother is staring us in the face.

Everything is boarded up here, gas stations are all shut down, earlier today I saw an FHP escorting a tanker truck through town to a WaWa's which was kinda' cool. Things should get interesting here tomorrow afternoon.
Yesterday I saw signs in Columbus GA for shelters for Milton evacuees. Portable electric road signs on R 280.

Maybe it is overkill but with the damage in the big bend area from the last one a lot of shelter space in north Florida is already in use.
8 am Tuesday saw light traffic (for an evacuation) on I-75 near Ocala but the traffic for the rest area was backed out the ramp onto the traffic lane.

Moving a few million people is not easy.
We have multiple tornadoes now popping up in Southern Florida. Milton is down to Cat 3 but still heading in. Heavy rain and minor winds where I am at, just north of Orlando.
...and the news is reporting certain individuals saying that it's being deliberately generated. Hurricanes that is. I despair.
I've been seeing that too - even going as far as to claim that hurricanes are a recent phenomenon due to climate change.

A quick glance through history will show that cyclonic storms have wreaked death and destruction on humans for as long as humans have existed.

As for Florida, in the early 1700's, Spain suffered major setbacks when not one, but two treasure Armadas were destroyed by hurricanes with their ships being scattered arou d the Keys as well as the Atlantic Coast.
Pretty sure this was a bit before Climate Change/Weather Manipulation/Geoengineering/Space Lasers (or whatever the conspiracy of the day, is).
We have multiple tornadoes now popping up in Southern Florida. Milton is down to Cat 3 but still heading in. Heavy rain and minor winds where I am at, just north of Orlando.

Hurricane categories rate by wind, but the big killer in 'canes is the surge. Up near Orlando, you're probably decent if you board up. Anyone here down by the coast had ought to be gone by now.

Y'all stay safe, and check in when you can so's we know all's good.
Marcel, there seems to be a fringe element that "thinks" these violent storms are the result of climate change, or government sponsored weather manipulation and a host of other "interesting" sources.

This following is along the lines of "chemtrails" and other gems of the digital age.

To be honest, I would find it amusing if it weren't for the fact that grown, relatively intelligent adults, actually beleive this nonsense.
Some of the most violent storms recorded, were pre-industrial.

Refer to the Galveston hurricane as one small example. Then there was the Calcutta Cyclone. Then there was the previously mentioned Florida Hurricane of 1715.
The weather has been cyclic over the centuries with it's peaks and lulls.

Try not to buy into this new age narrative.

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