The Weather Where You Live?

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Crept up to a very pleasant 18C but tonight its going to be around 5C, with a cold front approaching this weekend! brrr!
In a word, "HOT". The official temperature (recorded at Norfolk Airport) is 98F. It's 102F at my backyard weather station. FYI, seven of the last 10 days have been 94F or more. Nine of the last 10 days have been above 90F. Oh... there's a 30 percent chance of rain late today.

I'm really glad it improved in the Silvertone vicinity yesterday-Grand Prix was fantastic (though Hamilton/Button didn't do terribly well) and the weather was the best surprise of all.

It's forecast to be 16C today, it's midday now and clear skies, poor viz due to haze/smoke/dust and extremely dry.
Strange thing here this afternoon and evening - a bright light in the sky, which is no longer greyish black, but a wonderous colour which I think is called blue. Must be an optical illusion .....
Strange thing here this afternoon and evening - a bright light in the sky, which is no longer greyish black, but a wonderous colour which I think is called blue. Must be an optical illusion .....

No mate, we just swapped weather patterns, you now got the blue sky and we got the dull grey and wet. It's just on 4C outside at the moment.

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