The Weather Where You Live?

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Looks like it is going to be one of those cooler winters.
No big dump of snow yet. Lots of smaller snow storms/showers. All most everyday.
Currently about -10F. Not too bad?
Must be getting used to this.
Monday's forecast high is in the minus teens F.

2*F with a wind chill knocking it down to -30*F
Looking at probably 2 ft of snow at my house and should be an interesting drive home in 45 minutes...:shock:
While global warming is hitting the east coast with a vengeance, the weather here in Northern California remains mild.

Still no rain so far this season, but there may be some on the way next week. At the moment, the daytime temps in town are 67°F (19°C), expecting it to get down to 37°F (2°C) overnight.
Getting colder and colder every day this weekend.

Tonight's Low temp: 20 F
Saturday's High Temp: 28 F with Snow showers.
Saturday Night's Low Temp: -15 F
Sunday's High Temp: 5 F
Sunday Nights Low Temp: -22 F
Monday's Hight Temp: -10 F
Cold, but far from what people east and south of here are feeling. About 6 cm new snow.
Well, it is winter.

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