The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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Nothing serious Jan, just your normal everyday summer storm. Here's the darkened sky at approx. 3pm.


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Today it is sunny and cold. How cold you ask..... -45c with the windchill. Nostrils stick shut cold, not a good day to be a brass monkey cold but great hockey weather. Exposed skin freezes in less that five minutes so needless to say trips outside with the dog today will be short but numerous.


Cold for central Texas this morning, -09c
It's colder than a well digger's knee, in the Klondike, this morning. It's 14F in Va. Beach, at 0930, and not expected to get above 20F. The sun is shining..... oh, happy day. (Reminds me of a song).

This is two months worth of snow, four to go. The five arrows in the bottom photo are pointing at Cedar trees that are just over four feet tall. Keep in mind that the snow has packed down and the last I heard is we've had over six feet.


Dawg does not like cold or snow.


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