The Weather Where You Live?

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Don't look now,BUTTTTT! Your about to get wet!
And we lost power that night. My wife is hell bent on getting a whole house generator. #13,000 +. Can I get that on the magic front porch? Cannot get my wife to understand the since the yard floods from 6 inches to over a feet and it will not work. The dealer said they would build a concrete slab for it. Really? The ground is not stable and it will sink just like everything else in the yard. What fun and waste of money. She actually treating to moving out because of it. She retires next year and wants to spend over 20k in renovations and start traveling around the country. Gggrrr sorry wrong thread
'32C and smoky from fires in Montana. Forecast says over 30 degrees for the next week at least. Very bad skiing weather.' 5 days later and we're still crisping nicely. Currently 33C but feels like 36C. The smoke is still here, and the fire risk is extreme times. Have been cycling at 7AM to avoid the heat, but the smoke might be bad enough to rule that out.
'32C and smoky from fires in Montana. Forecast says over 30 degrees for the next week at least. Very bad skiing weather.' 5 days later and we're still crisping nicely. Currently 33C but feels like 36C. The smoke is still here, and the fire risk is extreme times. Have been cycling at 7AM to avoid the heat, but the smoke might be bad enough to rule that out.
Was going to do that today but the AQI this morning was at 7 or 8 so canceled. The smoke is really bad now.
Was going to do that today but the AQI this morning was at 7 or 8 so canceled. The smoke is really bad now.View attachment 790414
I was out at 7AM - the AQHI was down to 5 (moderate).....briefly. It then returned to 11. Visibility is poor - the Rockies are usually clearly visible from town (they're 80KM away +/-) - I'd estimate current visibility at about 5 KM. Could be a lot worse - big chunks of Jasper went up in flames :(
I guess I was lucky.

As far as I can remember during the four years I lived in Calgary there were no wildfires that affected the city. My year in the McKenzie was a bad fire year though.
I guess I was lucky.

As far as I can remember during the four years I lived in Calgary there were no wildfires that affected the city. My year in the McKenzie was a bad fire year though.

I moved here in 1993 and can only recall one incident prior to 2017 that caused smoke in the city. Now it's an expected part of our summers and will be so until all of the trees have been destroyed. Very sad.
It's been exciting this week. We had a little bit over 14 inches of rain the past 5 days, with more to come. I think our drought is over.
Don't talk too soon, maybe last years drought but the summer has only just began and we were over last year when the long hot summer kicked in and ran us to drought in a big way! It's Texas, have a little faith.

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