The Weather Where You Live?

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We had some strong thunderstorms today, mostly intermittent. These are quite rare for southern cal at this time of the year and it provided a welcome diversion to the normally boring weather we have.
Nice, going to get close to 70F but WINDY! I have my youngest with me this weekend and was going to take her for her first flight with daddy at the controls, but not when the winds are gusting over 30 mph. Not fun...
Nasty weather. High winds, rain and snow. Temps sitting at 35 F this morning. Went for a walk on a trail next to work last night and was caught in what was supposed to be a 60 MPH wind gust. Winds are blowing hard this morning, supposed to be that way much of the day.
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Cooled off considerably, here at the beach. Temps earlier in the week were in the mid to upper 80's F. Even broke the
record for the temperature on Wednesday.... it went to 87 F. Today it's been windy, and at 1830 the temp is 59 F.
Maybe autumn has arrived ??

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