The Weather Where You Live?

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Sunny and -27°C [-18°F] yesterday, cloudy and -6°C [21°F] today, but the wind is blowing the snow into drifts. Gusts to 74 kmph [46 mph]. :p
Raining and cold 37°F/3°C

Even snowed here in town a little while ago and my Scion is SO not setup for driving in snow of ANY kind!
Today we have been sitting at -8 C all day but only partly cloudy, no snow. Actually a beautiful day. Everything still covered in about 10 cm of snow outside. Supposed to start snowing again tonight for the next few days.
It was snowing all perevious night.The temperature during the day was about 0C.Now it is going down and can be about -1. There is 10cm of white all around the ground. The forecast like above.
Sunny and warm Fri. and the snow began to melt and the roads improved. Sat. was cloudy, but a small amount of melting was happening and the roads were much better. Last night it snowed again [4 or 5 cm] and I've got to shovel my walk again.:p Temps are just under the freeze point.
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