The What is it? Game

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Scottish Aviation 'Twin Pioneer'
I figured it was one from your recent trip but I didn't place it the first time I went through looking for it.
"Not English" Very sneaky Terry!!
Yep, you got it Glenn!
It's the landing gear lower strut fairing on the port side, from the rear. Here's the aircraft, and a side view of the struts.
I guess the clues helped a bit?!!


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They sure did!

Instead of a piece of a picture of a whole aircraft, this is a whole picture of a piece of an aircraft. What's it from?


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A pox upon you sir! That was just too dam*ed hard for the likes of me... Wow. If T-B hadn't gotten it, I could have spent my life trying to figure that one out. You've raised the bar WAY to high for me at least! Great challenge but, unortunately, not met except for the aformentioned T-B!

Way to go T-B
XC-99 is correct! The one-of-a-kind transport version of the B-36. It's the fixed portion of the horizontal tail surfaces. My first thought when I saw it was that it was a DC-3 wing. It's that Big!


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