The What is it? Game

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Terry Banged It! I knew you would when you guessed 52! Good on ya!

It was taken last summer at the 8th Airforce Museum in Georgia...if you wanna see the whole thing, visit their website! Ha!
OK, try this one - it might not be what you think .......


  • Cos 340A.jpg
    Cos 340A.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 83
Yes, it looks like a trailing edge of a wing or horizontal stabilizer but the split in the upper and lower surface as you look toward the lower right of the photo is confusing me. It could be russian but the paint isn't applied thickly enough based on a single Mig 23 I once saw. This appears to be a beautifully applied paint scheme. I'm gonna need more help or just stand on the sidelines rooting for the competition.

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