The What is it? Game

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Paul, I would not ever have thought of that if you hadn't headed in that direction. I had forgotten all about that craft until you brought it up and thank you for the inadvertent clue.:thumbleft: Allright, been waiting to get one correct so here goes, HAVE FUN.:evil4:


  • 08 25 12_1194 cropped.jpg
    08 25 12_1194 cropped.jpg
    91.2 KB · Views: 71
I whould say by joke's it's a bombfuse but Im also glad to see it's a good sharp and clear foto, better than the last one.
That could be anything from a part on a Caterpillar tractor, to a machine tool cog - but I'm certain it's a xenon fine tune adjuster for the cross-hair graticle on a Dalek's vision scope ....
It's the frapalitic adjuster on the prevously top secret Harvey wallbanger OMG-1 aerial surveillance bus

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