The What is it? Game

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All excellent guesses, sadly, none are correct. To the best of my knowledge, this bird never flew for the US in the Vietnam theater.
Hmm. Maybe an F-104, possibly in Belgian colours, but I doubt it. So then, a F-86 Sabre ?
And if it turns out to be what I was going to suggest, I need a good kicking!!
OK, this one might be a little tricky for some, but whistle whilst gardening, and it could bring treasures sailing in.......


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Guessing a long way, judging the gray paint, and the window to wiper size, its either a transport/tanker or amphibian based... RF-135? (I was initially thinking of a HP/BAe Victor or a Herc, but googling pics, the contours don't match along with the doors just visible)
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Jim has it!
It's an Armstrong Whitworth Argosy - hence the cryptic clues in the intro - whistling and gardening = 'Whistling Wheelbarrow', one of it's more polite nicknames, and treasures sailing in = Argosy, or Argos, a treasure-laden ship.
This one is preserved at Cosford, and is the type I did my Para course on. The 'bomb aimer's' window, with escape hatch below, is supposed to be used for accurate 'spotting' of para drops, but was rarely, if ever, used.


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  • Cos Mic 058.jpg
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