The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Israel Aircraft Industries Arava ?

Actually, I'm beginning to think this might be a micro / ultra light of some description
A bit more...


...and a clue: Two where built, sadly one recently crashed.
Ah! It's the 'Hotpoint' CWD2000, the airborne clothes washer and drier. The crash was caused by an overload on the drying racks ....!
Looks like a contraption dreamed up by Heath Robinson.
Even google image search doesn't know what this one is!

But I have seen a pic of one before, I just can't remember any details grrrr!
Actually I guess that lets the cat out of the bag: It's a highly unusual adapted Casa 212 being used as a Geophysical survey aircraft.

Sorry - I can't seem to post a pic right now. Does someone else wanna go?
Wow this one was really hard ! :) good one Capt !
The simpliest the hardest it is ! :)

I have a pic, but I think this would be more "fair play" if I let you post an other one Capt :)
Hooo hoooooo I know this one ( I guess ), is that the super/hyper/mega heavily modified Cessna Skymaster ??
Methinks an F-4 Phantom perhaps ? But what type, I have no idea!! Come to think of it, it's probably a bigger kite, maybe with the US Coast Guard, for surveillance duties.
:) :) :) :) I was really not sure at all ! but this unsusal nose shape was simply too familiar glad to get this one :)

Here is mine, it might be too simple or not at all, have fun ! :)


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