The What is it? Game

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I honestly don't think so, Terry...the challenge photo shows a horizontal deck with a cleat at the leading edge, the F.1 has a rise to the decking that approaches the gunner's horizontal area for the cleat

I couldn't find a clear shot of the F.1.

When I did a google search it came up with lots of the F.2, which had a completely different shape to the one in the clue.

In any case, the answer is a very early flying boat. If not a Felixstowe, some sort of Curtiss?
It not a Felixstowe, Walrus or Curtiss.

Made in the late 20's, single engine and this one is No 57
Sorry not a FBA

Double-barrelled makers name

And you are looking at the front of the fuselage / hull and not a float thingy
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