The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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More cyclinders than a Firefly
Contra props
One of its brothers got a radial....Tempest / Firebrand

I reckon its one of these bad-boys....

The Westland Wyvern


  • wyv1.jpg
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Wuzac's clue has three props per segment, the Wyvern has it possible they tried a three-blade config early on?

Just clocked the number of props and the spinner is more pointed

Hang on...the prototype looks like it only had a six bladed set up...not sure now
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I thought I had it with the Tornado guess; British single engined fighter, more than twelve cylinders (Vulture), single prototype with counter rotating prop, radial brothers (Centaurus), flew a couple years before MB 5...
I'm totally stumped now
Very cool, thanks for that one Wuzak. Sorry about the poor quality of this one, but I'm on vacation and only have the crappy pictures on my phone to mess with.
Hope its not too easy!
Looks like a 'Tiggy' (DH 82 Tigermoth) to me.

As you're from Canada, I'm wondering if its got the enclosed canopy....bit like the Thruxton Jackaroo ?

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