The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Take a seat, Capt.Vick...

Yep, with norab; from that pic I can deduce that it was taken at Duxford, very recently in fact. Or you can just look at Terry and Karl's thread on the Duxford airshow in the Warbirds section, where you'll find the image it is cropped from!
It is indeed a Bearcat and, as Grant correctly announced, it's Stephen Gray's example at Duxford, taken on Sunday 8th September this year.


  • Duxford show Sept 13 292.jpg
    143.7 KB · Views: 110
  • Duxford show Sept 13 289.jpg
    145.4 KB · Views: 111
Out came the Douglas book; either a Y1C-26A, which is an AAC Dolphin or the bigger YOA-5, although I'm angling for the AAC Dolphin-by-another-name.

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