The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Sadly that one is the last surviving example and it has been retired to the Deutches Technik Museum in Berlin, so the chance to see it fly, let alone fly it has gone forever. At least a few Bf 108s still grace the skies.
In this day and age of reproductions, it would be nice to see them turn to the fun and practical for a change.

Don't get me wrong, it's awesome to see new Fw190s, Me262s and the rest, but just imagine a brand-shiney new Bf108 sitting on the ramp!
I'd love to see that! Someone should put the Bf 108 back into production as a light tourer! The GAF Gonad is being built by Gippsland and the Twotter by Viking, so...
Either the Bf108 or the Ar79 would be great to see...heck, why not both, for that matter.

Messerchmitt is still in business, so they could *technically* bring it back as a procuct line...not sure who holds the rights to Arado these days, if anybody.

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