The What is it? Game

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Sounds like you know it Gary. Come on and spill the beans dude.

I do know it...but two things, I cant for the life of me remember what its called (I think we've had one on this thread previously ?) and I'm on holiday on sunday so wont be able to post a new one. that my excuse anyway, so sorry due, its back to you guys !
Swffgni7589yuk... That's what I meant... dagnabbit. Good one Dave.

It first I thought it might be an Aero 45, Norab, but the divider on the glazing is too heavy. I don't think its a Tadpole, Dave.
Well, the Tadpole was Aaron's suggestion, I am sitting this one out until I can figure out a suitable photo that will stump the pros...

It seems that if I post a photo that shows more than one rivet, the guys figure it out in a few minutes!
I remembered !!!!

Its a Trident TR1 Trigull...essentially a Canadian designed, updated Seebee.

However, some-one else will have to post up, cos I'm off on my hols for a few weeks

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