The What is it? Game

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We have a winner! Was it the CF-105 reference, KiwiBiggles? Potentially world beating, political intrigue, hated by bean counters, cancelled prematurely, much in common with the CF-105.

Fourth prototype TSR.2 XR222 at Duxford. I was wondering if anyone would have noticed the engine trunking in the ceiling of the bay.
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Well Nuuumann, seeing as how you were minutes away from guessing correctly, and I am now stuck on night shift, perhaps you would like to take the baton? I really dont have any pictures to post at the moment.
Yep, I figured someone with an eye for detail would get this relatively quickly, Terry.

Newark Air Museum's Shack MR.3. The picture is of the AS Viper intake just aft of the outer engine; you can see its exhaust protruding below the engine nacelle. There was a cover that retracted over the intake when not in use, it's also visible here.

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