The What is it? Game

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It's starting to look quite familiar, but I can't quite get it yet.
Possibly a Pilatus thingy (P-2 ?), the tandem-seat trainer which has been used in a few movies to portray a German aircraft ........... ?
Possible give away has a hatch that if it comes open in flight, renders the A/C uncontrollable !

Hi Gary.

Any chance of expanding on that clue mate? I'm thinking, rotors, ducted-fan, pusher-prop...something where a released canopy (is that what you meant by hatch?) will destroy the propulsion/lifting unit?
Well done Terry, you got it. Took this krappe shot at a Warbird Meet of sorts at North weald way back in 2010


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Just shows how colours can be perceived differently in 'cropped' shots - I thought it was painted in that 'Russian' green shade !
I'll be back with something later today - got to nip out to get some paint.

Funnily enough Gary, it is !!
Thanks Aaron.
OK, try this one - knowing you lot, there's far too much detail in the pic, and it should be solved quickly !

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I was going to suggest Aero Commander, but now don't think so.
If that's the tail 'sweeping' up, then perhaps a cargo ramp, something like a Caribou, but the nacelles aren't right for that either.
Just seen a pic of a converted B-25 Mitchell, with the same colour scheme, and thought this could be it. But the landing gear doors (normally closed on the ground) are the wrong shape, and that really does look like an up-swept fuselage behind the nacelle, so not that either ...... probably one which will really bug me I think !

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