There was a fight in school today.

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You said, "Yes they have too much money".

Now you have my attention.

How much is too much money, B17? $75k/yr? $100k/yr? $200k/yr?

And if you have too much what should happen?

Seriously, I would like to hear your thought out answers and not not just a yes or a no. And yes I'm putting you on the spot.
Ok, so it's obviously 500k+ ...... I've seen the house it's absolutely huge and on a hill overlooking the western half of town.

Everytime we pass the house my dad asks, "Where is his dad a cop."

Well If I had too much money, I'd invest it in models of course.....

I don't know what it'd do with, because I'll never have that kind of money but I'd make sure for if I did my kids weren't spoiled little brats.... that's for sure.
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I don't know what it'd do with, because I'll never have that kind of money but I'd make sure for if I did my kids were (weren't typo)spoiled little brats.... that's for sure

Got to say it right Harrison.
It's definitely $500k/yr eh. Or do you mean a $500k house. So you didn't answer my question, if they make too much money in your eyes what should happen to them for making such an exhorbitant amount of money? Jail? Tax them back into poverty? Legally limit their ability to expand their wealth? See how this is becoming more and more looking like a socialist/communist collective discussion.

B-17, the guy and family may be an Ahole, but don't envy your neighbor just because he is successful in life. One day you too might be there.
I didn't say that at all. And yes 500k a year.

He is a snob (the boy, the parents are nice people) , I don't envy the money and what's with taxing them into poverty? I just said the kid has a lot of money, it wasn't meant to be interpreted the way you did, I know I won't be successful, and will never be there so I got nothing to envy.

All I said was in mentioning his background he has a lot of money, wasn't suppose to be taken like this. At all.

I'd much rather be out in the field doing something then sitting in an office. I'd rather have a job where it's different everyday.

And I'm quite content with how my family is doing now, again nothing to envy, I'm not a Socialist or a Communist.

What should happen? Nothing, all I said was that he had a lot of money, nothing about being a Socialist or Communist so we can tax them, nothing about envying what they have, I just said the kid needs to F*CK off. Cause he's an @$$ not because he has money.
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I just said the kid has a lot of money, it wasn't meant to be interpreted the way you did, I know I won't be successful, and will never be there so I got nothing to envy.

I'd like to interrupt. Dude. DON'T EVEN GO THERE (bold editing). Don't EVER let anyone make you feel that you can't go as far as you want to go. This life is unscripted, and if you start convincing yourself that you're not good enough, or that you'll never be _____, or never get to ____ point in life, then you truly have lost. The people who will tell you crap like that are the ones that aren't satisfied with their own place in life, and feel they have to drag others down with them. Do not EVER let them do that! Life is hard, yes. Life will steamroll you in a heartbeat if you don't watch out. Note that I never said "Life will POSSIBLY"'re going to make mistakes. You're going to fail. You're going to trip up, screw up, and eff it up. Guess what. That makes you human, dude. Don't let those mistakes hold you back, and don't let those voices tell you that "you tripped/screwed/eff'd it because you're not good enough to be successful enough to be there. You ARE good enough. Find your niche, find your groove, find what you love to do and pursue it with everything you've got. And when you get there (cuz you will...may take time, but you WILL), take a look around, take a deep breath...and frikkin ENJOY IT. Then set your sights a little higher. Dream big, bro, and don't take no for an answer! Because there's nothing worse than a life lived with regrets and self-doubts.

Now, get back to your root-beer celebrations.

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