Back in 1982 to 1983, I spent two air show seasons, working with the BBMF, making an audio-visual presentation as an assignment from my then employers, Kodak Ltd. It was made as a multi-projector (35mm slides) show, with full soundtrack and commentary, that I also produced. I've still got the shots used in the show, and some of the 'spares', together with the script and the sound recording.It would be great if, when my PC is back on-line, I could post some of the pics, as there are internal shots of the aircraft, plus pics describing the servicing, care, schedules and displays. Some are air-to-air, from the BBMF Chipmunk, and the Lanc, and some good detail shots on the ground. The problem is, as they are on transparency stock, I'll need to get prints made first, then scan them and so on. Can't do it yet as I've got too many commitments at present. But, if you all think it would be interesting, I can put together some sort of package from the basic 160 final slides, which include Phantoms, which were still operational of course at Conningsby at the time. Unfortunately, the other 300 plus, and about another 1200 aircraft slides, were lost in a fire in 1992! What do you think?