To piss on the French...

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Oh. Don't incite him. He's like poking a old demented lion. You never know if he's gonna purr or tear your face off. :)
What's wrong with mayonnaise? It's a lot better than pouring vinegar on them like the british ;)

I have nothing against eating fries with mayonnaise... I even do it on several occasions. (I first tasted it in a Dutch restaurant in Québec City that was the home of "the perfect club-sandwich". They were just the best club-sandwiches I ever ate. Unfortunately, that restaurant has now closed down.)
I even do it on several occasions. (I first tasted it in a Dutch restaurant in Québec City that was the home of "the perfect club-sandwich". They were just the best club-sandwiches I ever ate. Unfortunately, that restaurant has now closed down.)

Didn't know there was something like a Dutch restaurant. What doe tey serve there besides fries?
I thought the point of this thread was to be nasty to the French. Disappointed.

Salt and vinegar on your chips, cooked in the same fat as they did the fish in!
Try insulting the French when you're sitting in the middle of a classroom, surrounded by about 20 of them! And they pay me to do it... 8)
I came walking out to the Aircraft and my buddy was like "Ze Germans are coming, quick get out your white flags!" Needless to say my buddy was in the commanders office later that day.
Here I thought this was funny. It may have allready been posted before. I have had it on my computer for a while.


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Try doing it to French Soldiers when you are training with them...My buddy kept asking them where there white flags were and what not. They were not to happy.

The most amusing contact - that word is appropriate - I had actively with the French is when I and a gang of "civilian" friends I had been training with - well, OK, that I had trained - took on a group of French ex-paras on exercises. We slaughtered them! Faster reaction time, less predictable tactics, overall better teamwork, better SOPs, fitter, better training, etc. They didn't invite us back! :cry: We had a wonderful time...

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