Udo Corde, Ju 88C-6 Zerstörer, 5K+RT, Wk. Nr. 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3...

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Think that I've solved it with the first pics in this thread... :oops: :oops: The gun mount was there, but with no guns!
Jan, you have got me a little bit wrong I'm afraid. WHole gondola was removed.
Or I'm wrong and we are talking about two different gondolas....
Udo's code on his C-6 is : 5K+RT, werke nummer 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3
two white has marks on the tail for two a/c kills plus a white train and 81 kill marks in white grouped in 5's.
Were these codes all black or?
I think that we might talk about two different things Wojtek, old chap! :lol:


  • J88C-6 KG3 Blitz.jpg
    J88C-6 KG3 Blitz.jpg
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Sorry Jan I disappeared so suddenly yesterday.But the power was down by a failure and a hald of my town was without the power supply.

So which one we talk about?
That's alright Wojtek, no need to apologise, sh*t happens, much like power cuts! Gondola like on this C-6 from KG 3 'Blitz', where you can see the gun mount or whatsit, but the guns themself are not added....think that I'll go this way.
That's alright Wojtek, no need to apologise, sh*t happens, much like power cuts! Gondola like on this C-6 from KG 3 'Blitz', where you can see the gun mount or whatsit, but the guns themself are not added....think that I'll go this way.

So we talk about the bottom gondola...right? Well... I was sure it's the one.

OK... here you are a shot of the gondola interior. It can be seen thet there was enough of room for the gunner.The forward firing gun was mounted in the front part of the gondola. Looking at the pic I've thought there was a kind of a couch where the gunner was laying on his stomach.So it means tha the gun mount might have been under the "lounge" whole or partially.

Talking about the deleted gondolas I meant the layout of the Ju-88 bottom part similar to C-5 version. See the second diagram below.


  • Ju-88 gondola etails.jpg
    Ju-88 gondola etails.jpg
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  • Ju88A6_uzbrojenie.jpg
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What!!!??? I thought this crate was done last year!!!! Jan, you get a GF or something to keep ya away from the serious business at hand? :)

I did a 1/48 He 111 and the toughest was the canopy. Took me 2 weeks, hand brush with no masking. uugghhh!
I actually like the finish of brush painting acrylics.... but like the airbrush finish of oil paints... I know most people feel opposite.

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