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The US aggression towards Iraq (2nd Gulf war) certainly did not help to ease the tension in the world, neither the muscle play against Iran or vice versa.
Enemy No. 1 is off course the USA
I did read it. but I judt don't see how the hell teaching the Holocaust could be offensive to muslims. I mean, 12 million men, women, and children were murdered for who they were. how can schools teaching that be offensive? I really don't get it.
And what about Israel´s past and present actions? Do teaching programs in England cover Israeli Bolshevik/Nazi-styled practices, policies and crimes against arabs in the bloody region where all those fundamenlists live? I think not...
I won't get into the Israel vs. Arab debate; I think my views are well known. As for the French actions - they do seem to react better to this new threat to Western society ... they send them all to Britain through the Channel Tunnel.
Wish we had the luck! When this happens here we send OUR citizens to Canada!
As for Iraq (2nd Gulf war) Iraq or Saddam wasn't involved or entangled with 9/11 at all, neither for Iran can this be proven.
I personally don't give a rats ass who should inhabit the region of palestian "rightfully". I only know that the Palestinians could have arranged with the situation long ago and could've ended the war with acceptable conditions on multiple occasions.
Yes they could have, but why should they, after all the UN resolution in 1947 was unjust and unfair and therefore the Israeli should volunteer to pack their belongings and resettle in Australia, since you don't give a rats ass about "rightfull inhabiting"
But turn it around as much as you want, the primary reason they will not accept the state of Israel is lust for revenge, false pride and downright hate towards the Jews. Certainly the Israelis are no angels and have commited a number of atrocities during the whole middle eastern conflict. However their action are primarily aimed at the threat. Innocent civilian deaths are accepted but not the target.
Off course they hate Israel, so would you if you were Palestinian
Is this comparable to the Islamist terror which deliberately aims at the innocent?
You are correct, it is not comparable. The UN started the problem - since nobody bothered to help the Palestinians they started to "attack" the UN (those countries who favor Israel) and because they are desperate, hopeless, ignored, unliked - they go completely nuts and attack everyone and everything
You could say their (Israels) bombings are much more "pc" than what the US and British did in WW2 to cities like Dresden. Do Germans hold a grudge against certain people (Harris)? Yes, but Germans also knew they had lost and that peace is more important than revenge or pride.
No, it is not because Germany lost the war. It is that most Germans acknowledge the fact that Hitler started the war - bombing Englands cities, and if this lunatic would have had enough big bombers, he would have retaliated against Englands or anybody elses cities far worse then Harris.
And acknowledgement is the macic word, if Israel would ever acknowledge the wrong doing against the Palestinians the problem could be solved. Unfornunatly the only Israeli President who actually did acknowledge this was shot by an Israeli fanatic.
So pardon my ignorance on the various Muslim subcultures and their inner fights, what it boils down to is that a large part of the Muslim world seems to not have evolved their mindset much past the middle ages. And it is their faith that is the major contribution behind this. I don't have to go to the middle east to see that. I can just look out the window in my neighbourhood.
Yes you are correct, and against a middle aged society no one should show muscles, because they will react exactly in the same manner
That we are kissing the ass of backwards oriented religion that is imo unhealthy to the development of mankind, is one of the most perverted issues going on right now.
With all respect towards you, but you forward the same argument / opinion as these backwards do.
Maybe this topic just you off too much
This is where the media clouds the minds of the world. From the first days of 9/11 Bush's stated purpose was to attack "terrorism" in all its forms and all those who help in it. The focus wasn't just those involved in 9/11 but terrorism as a whole and this was ONE of the MANY reasons we went to Iraq. Saddam was assisting the terrorism trade through many means. We captured the mastermind of the "Aquille Lauro" incident among others. Iraq was an open door for terrorist groups. But the media has pushed that 9/11 connection so much that the true purpose of 2d Gulf has been lost. And has been discussed in numerous threads here, Bush was great for the "war", the "occupation" has been a mess.
I don't feel that the Media is clouding anything - maybe because I do not take my believe or knowledge unchecked from the Mediaand as for Mr. Bush, he would be among those people on this planet that I wouldn't trust or believe for a penny worth.
Any Arab or Muslim country besides Kuweit and the UAE at present is sympathising or even harboring terrorists. The worst country - Sudan - was totally neglected, If Mr. Alkaidah is still alive I would be willing to bet my ass, that he is exactly in this country - should I provokingly say "no oil" ? By attacking Iraq, Bush destabalized the entire region and set birth for dozens of new Muslim nuts/terrorists gangs.
I have a question, though.
On that kill/loss ratio you gave, are you counting deaths caused by the PLO and other like-Palestinian groups from around the world? I mean, speaking of the "Achille Lauro", I don't remember a similar Jewish attack.
No, you are correct I did not include this into the statistic, because I see this as a result of the UN resolution in 1947. As such I would blame the UN for those death just as much as the Israeli and Palestiniens.
All I can say is that as long as Israel is backed without question by the US or other countries there will be never any solution to this terror, and if it continues in this manner, then sooner or later some lunatic is going to press the button or place a "big" bomb. And the place to get most affected by this would be most likely Europe
Let us be honest Njaco, if a nuclear bomb would go off in Europe, who will the Europeans start to blame and hate? only the Muslims and Palestinians? If the bomb would go off in the USA, I wouldn't be surprised to see the US only reacting on behalf of retaliating against Muslims, just as after 9/11
So what does the US or you expect from the Arabs? unconditional surrender? why should they? They never agreed to Israel being reinstalled in 1947, most of them have nothing to loose and dying for Allah reserves a couple of hot chicks for them in heaven
A huge mistake was done in 1933 and in 1947. Even if the Israeli would agree to an independant Palestina - partially on now Israeli territory, the Palestinians would immediatly start to build up an army and use it against Israel, - "unless" the US and Europe would pump billions of $$ into Palestine so that every Palestinian would realize that a good living and a thriving economy is much better then dying for a lost cause, and the US and Europe need to give the Muslim world face, even if this would be interpreted by some people -as by one post above - as kiss ass.
Kruska before you say that Sudan is neglected, please do some research. We have had forces in that region conducting ops since before 9-11.
Sudan? sorry never heard about this - besides Dafur region -, the original government still exists happily and nothing has changed in that country at all
As for the WMD discussion (I am not going to get into it in great detail, because I believe the discussion is pointless), but based off of my experiences in Iraq I am firm believe that Sadam had WMD's. I wll leave it at that however.
Maybe you are correct, but no evidence no court ruling
then sooner or later some lunatic is going to press the button or place a "big" bomb.
No, you are correct I did not include this into the statistic, because I see this as a result of the UN resolution in 1947. As such I would blame the UN for those death just as much as the Israeli and Palestiniens.
Any Arab or Muslim country besides Kuweit and the UAE at present is sympathising or even harboring terrorists. The worst country - Sudan - was totally neglected
Good points but I guess I'm seeing it from another side.
You are free to do so
Why Sudan? Again, I'm not very knowledgable about a few of these countries. But I do know of one that turns my stomache and I'll be ruffling feathers here. France. From harboring the Ayatolla to suppling weapons parts through Syria to Iraq, France has done nothing to help the situation. Maybe one big reason they were never part of the coalition.
Sudan is one of the worst and most repressing Muslim ruled countries, and has trained, harbored and equipt terrorists since two decades.
The US have opposed the Iraq for a long time because Iran is an arch enemy of Iraq and was USA best buddy - besides Israel - for decades. After the Ayatolla took over, the US were approving French weapon sales to Iraq and supported Iraq themselfs, if you manage to get your hands on some published "internal classified information" to the Iran-Iraq war, you will understand - maybe not justificate - Iraq's attack on Kuweit
So maybe its "piss on them, they deserve what they get - all of them." There is no tolerance anywhere anymore.
I am very tolerant towards my girl if she wants to cook for me, sweep the house or wash my cloth, I can live with that.
Good God don't you ever tell her that okay
It's that kind of thinking that leads to World Wars, including the last one. We want what we want because we think were right (it's not like Israelis didn't live in that region before) and we rather spend the next six decades killing and dieing instead of arranging for the sake of peace. I mean it's not like there was any chance of winning and all I achieve is more suffering among my own people, but why should I stop? I mean afterall it's me who's right.Yes they could have, but why should they, after all the UN resolution in 1947 was unjust and unfair and therefore the Israeli should volunteer to pack their belongings and resettle in Australia, since you don't give a rats ass about "rightfull inhabiting"
Because we didn't see what happens if Isreal gives into Palestinian demands and makes concessions: The Muslims respect that and show their goodwill... oh wait they don'tAnd acknowledgement is the macic word, if Israel would ever acknowledge the wrong doing against the Palestinians the problem could be solved. Unfornunatly the only Israeli President who actually did acknowledge this was shot by an Israeli fanatic.
No against a middle aged society you can only react with muscle, because that is the only language they speak.Yes you are correct, and against a middle aged society no one should show muscles, because they will react exactly in the same manner
Oh boy, i think the next chancellor candidate of "Die Linke" is among us."unless" the US and Europe would pump billions of $$ into Palestine so that every Palestinian would realize that a good living and a thriving economy is much better then dying for a lost cause, and the US and Europe need to give the Muslim world face, even if this would be interpreted by some people -as by one post above - as kiss ass.