Ultimate P-51 detailing

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I think I'm like most here in saying that I'd spend that 1200 hours making 50 or 100 models to my own (much lower standard), and not obsessing over details. After all, I make models as a way of relaxing, not getting myself more wound up!!!!

Having said that, the skill and dedication on display there is incredible, just to have a fraction of either would make me a much better modeler...
lol Ian lanc, But you gotta admit some of those parts are so small and to have the time to do it. Work well done. Makes me think whats his wife say about this. Hey Ian i see your into rc tanks! i have 1/18 scale tiger mk1 with all the add ons and it fires paint balls! i used it for tank battles was fan.
Guys! Hallo! That is the models buiding not just puting kits together by glueing it together and paiting it. There are people out there who builds models from the plans and drawings not from the kids at all. So what you will say obout them? All parts are done like that. They allso relax doing what they are doing.
There's nothing wrong with what the guy has done, I still think it's fantastic. It's just that, in some areas of the model, was it really worth going to the effort of building parts that can never be seen, and will not perform any useful function being there?
I do realise that some people like to include everything possible, or as much as possible, so each to their own.
PS. I've done it myself sometimes!!

I did not mean that you guys think that it is something wrong with what the guy is doing. And you are absolutely right Airframes that some parts can´t be seen. I just know guy like that and i sad to him once the same thing. He answer me: " Marek! But I know that they are there". So somebody just do thinks like that for fun. I do it too, sometimes, but I still think that it is no use wen I have a great looking kid in my hand. But if there is no kit of the partikulary aircraft, then it is nice to do some detales just to know that they are there.
So what have you got after 1200+ hours of real work ? A beautifuly crafted,
incredibly accurate model that sits on a shelf. Most people who get to see
it could care less about all the "extras'" that went into it.

You are right Charles the only ones that might enjoy it is other modellers and how often do we have modeller conventions at home Still excellant for sure.Cheers Kevin
So what have you got after 1200+ hours of real work ? A beautifuly crafted,
incredibly accurate model that sits on a shelf. Most people who get to see
it could care less about all the "extras'" that went into it.


But Charly, mate! Don´t we build thous models for our own pleasure!? What does It mean, what other are thinking!? We all here are doing models for fun, in diferent standards and to diferend points. Somebody may think that we are like smal children playng with toys. But so what!!!! We love it! Don´t we?
At the end of the day, each to his own.
I have an article in a Hungarian model magazine ('Pro Modell') about a guy who scratchbuilt a Hungarian Mil Mi-8 helicopter in 1:48 scale - You have to see it to believe it. Took him over four years, and by that I mean EVERY NIGHT for over 4 years, save for one week and a half break.
It is absolutely beautiful, and is completely detailed inside and out, including engines,and with every rivet faithfully represented.
It LOOKS worth the effort, but then again...?

Agree Evan...each to his own!
I have scratch build 5 1:1 models. I realy love them very much. The best I did in my whole life. 4 girls and 1 boy. I m very proud of them.

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