Unofficial Group Build: BEAUFIGHTER!

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Brigadier General
Dec 17, 2007
The back of beyond
G'day guys! Who's in for an (unofficial) BEAUFIGHTER group build??

Originally planned as a dual build by Wojtek and myself, the subsequent interest of Peter (Ozhawk) in the project has got us interested in the other schemes and versions of the mighty Beau, and to open the build for all interested.

(Note: NOT to be confused with the regular (official) Group builds!)
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wouldn't mind but do mean finish in December or start as December is my busiest month at work and am itching to do an Aussie Mk21 with my Tamiya kit, just need to source some Aussie roundels and fin flashes as i've been kindly offered the other markings from Peter (Ozhawk)
As tempting as that sounds, I'll likely give it a pass. I don't have a Beau in the stash and really need to tackle something I already have in there.
That's a shame Andy, but sounds good Bill, Wayne and Karl. (Btw Bill, the answer to your question is YES! )

Karl, neither Wojtek nor myself can start before december either, so no worries there. Also no worries if anyone wants to start sooner of course.

(IMO) no set finish date needed, so no pressure fitting in between official GB builds, etc - all in everyone's own time and pace.

Looking forward to this!
Love to join in guys, but far to much on the bench or planned already.
Karl, I've probably got some suitable roundel and fin flash decals - remind me when you come down on Sunday.
As we have suspected it Evan. There is a couple of guys who are interested in the projetct. Nice to hear that.
There are other Beaus of different squadrons, Jasiu. Still I'm not sure about which one I should follow.
Second that!

I'll be doing 2 kiwis - probably a No.488 (NZ) sqn. Mk.IIF (Merlin engine conversion) and No. 489 (NZ) sqn. TF Mk.X.

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