Upload your current wallpaper (continued)

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cheddar cheese said:
All 4 at once! :lol:
I could do that but it would just look stupid.


  • wallpaper_-_tanzania__leuchars__madgascar___warbirds_163.jpg
    73.4 KB · Views: 352
Further to my cluttered desktop.... my wife and I share a DSL network hence my being able to see her's (but I don't let her see mine.... ho ho some faulty setting in the network doo dah methinks but it suits me to hide my collection of gentlemen's sporting erotica files from her). I use my PC for work and play etc hence the clutter. I often wonder it works at all. Just got me a 300 Gb external hard drive to get some of the junk off the C drive. I am now well on my way to my first terabyte!
Royzee617 said:
Further to my cluttered desktop.... my wife and I share a DSL network hence my being able to see her's (but I don't let her see mine.... ho ho some faulty setting in the network doo dah methinks but it suits me to hide my collection of gentlemen's sporting erotica files from her). I use my PC for work and play etc hence the clutter. I often wonder it works at all. Just got me a 300 Gb external hard drive to get some of the junk off the C drive. I am now well on my way to my first terabyte!

Jesus Christ, really? :lol:

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