Upload your current wallpaper (continued)

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Hey, I do get out alot.I just dont like punk music or rap but if there is something i like ill listen to it. Oh and look what i found too!


  • ellerendezvousfalls_210.jpg
    140.2 KB · Views: 506
Hmmm... to most folks I've come across Big Band is war music...
but you can call it what you wanna call it and I'll call it what it is...

Peter-three-eight, I rather like your latest... but then what red-blooded male wouldn't?

Now that July 20th has come and gone, this is the WP I'm using. Reduced in size to fit here...

Fade to Black...
"...but then what red-blooded male wouldn't?"

A gay one? Unless they've got blue blood or something. Maybe that's why they're gay! Wrong coloured blood!
Must...resist attack on NS...must...can't...


...yeah, I'm sure you've split a few in your time, eh, NS!?!
Ok... Lets get of the subject about gays. Now lets get this straight,( Straight as in not gay! ) back to Wallpaper. Im using my dad's laptop so i dont have any of my wallpaper favorites.

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