Viking's Aircraft Pictures

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Got this one in yesterday. It's an original pic when the USS Lexington provided power to the city of Tacoma Washington. It shows off her 8" guns quite well.

"In 1930 the Oregon and Washington state coastal areas suffered a massive drought which result in low levels in the reservoirs that provided water for hydro-electric power. The US Navy brought the Lexington up to a dock in Tacoma, WA and heavy electric lines were rigged into the Tacoma power grid and the Lexington's generators provided power for about a month till melting snow and rain brought the reservoirs up to a level needed to generate sufficient power for the city". USS Lexington (CV-2) encyclopedia


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This one arrived today to add to the collection. It shows a drop tank modified to carry a patient.
P-38 Ambulance.jpg

"Demonstrates new Air Ambulance with a "Litter Patient". The modified belly tank ambulance of a P-38 fighter plane is demonstrated at a Pacific Air Force Headquarters, Flight Nurse 2nd Lt Beulah Farmer of Wilson, N.C., assisted by S/Sgt. William H Ragan of Indianapolis , Ind, moved the "patient" as Major Donal J. Broesamle of Palo Alto, Calif., holds the tail section of the Tank." Photo Credit US Air Force
This one arrived today, it is of the Boeing B-9 Death Angel though the pilots called it the "Tissue Paper Bomber" (on account of how thin the metal skin was). It was the first all metal monoplane bomber with retractable landing gear bought by the USAAC, though in very limited numbers.

B-9 in Flight cropped.jpg

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