Western Canadian Regional Model Contest (2011)

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Here's an extraordinary model of Hasegawa's Akagi. I'll post some more of this and others on the Alberta Military Model Show thread as this guy brought this one and others to that show.


  • Hasegawa Akagi 1.jpg
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  • Hasegawa Akagi 2.jpg
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go on do tell Obi Wayne Kanobi !

Well, Akagi was the Lead ship of the First Carrier Division and Flagship of the Kido Butai or carrier Strike force, up until it's demise at Midway.
The primary identifier of the Akagi's aircraft was a single RED stripe around the rear fuselage of it's Zero's, Val's and Kates.
Kaga, the second ship of the Division, had 2 RED stripes on it's aircraft.
Last of the selected pictures of ships, a close-up of the conning tower of a U-Boat with, I think, an extremely well done weathering job:


  • U-Boat.jpg
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