What annoyed you today?

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Man I hate carpal tunnel. Got it really bad lifting weights and exascerbated it when I did work for United Parcel Service and the Navy.

However, I must say that I am a bit disappointed with most everyone's behaviour and tone in some other threads. Hope it is not a harbinger of things to come. Lanc has disappeared off the radar and I feel like I may have contributed. Shame. I admired his knowledge, enthusiasm and ascerbic wit. Hope it is only a temporary absence on his behalf.

The Forum has become a bit more coarse in areas and I truly hope that it is not chasing people away from a fantastic resource. Respect of participating forum members is a difficult thing to earn, learn and observe. I should take a lesson. I would ask that before folks in the forum react, they take the advantage of the Personal Message (PM) to contact forum members. Not moderators first. It can diffuse most all potential adversarial situations. With virtually little exception, everyone I have encountered in this forum is well meaning and cordial. Sometimes sarcasm, inadvertent attempts at humor, and perhaps a bit to drink can result in slights that were not intended.

Let us all remember that coarse language, while not necessary, is also not in and of itself a personal affront. What we should remember is that this Forum's life is dependent upon existing members' ability to attract a younger generation's interest in WWII aviation. As such, we should remind ourselves that our strength is in our knowledge and enthusiasm of aviation. Most all of us veteran forum members are fully capable of emasculating a new or younger member. But to what end?

Our continued enjoyment of this forum and exchange of ideas is dependent upon our ability to attract new blood. Let us not chase them away before they can engage.

Alright. I'm off my soapbox now. Besides, Black Label Society - Funeral Bell is the best song I have heard in quite a while. And found right here on this forum. Who woulda thought.
guess we won't see Adler till next week now ..........

Lanc will be back in time. there are rules Matt posted at the top of the front page for all to see and learn.

carperal tunnel is trouble again this afternoon ......... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Naw they ended up only staying for one day. They are gone now.

Last night was not bad actually, went to a Castle last night that has a resteraunt and hotel in it. The food was great. Had some Deer.
Nuts. Found a large scorpion in the bathroom...And my wife had just started
going barefoot in the house again. I just do not like scorpions in the house.
what can really be annoying is wen i find a song on the guitar and i MUST learn it, yet the tabs are practically non-existant. I was trying to find 'gentlemen dont' by gabe bondoc so i went on youtube to try to interact with the people who posted videos of the song yet only 1 of my messages popped up out of practically 18.....

if ANYONE has tabs PLEEEAASE MAIL THEM! THANKS! aaronjames23@hotmail.com
just slipped off my snow covered roof ......... so much for cleaning gutters today in the blue skies, or I should say the snow is coming back soon I can see it to the west. now to stop the bleeding ............ oh great .....
Nuts. Found a large scorpion in the bathroom...And my wife had just started
going barefoot in the house again. I just do not like scorpions in the house.

Amazing! I've never seen one. You should've hunted for another one, then thrown them together so they could brawl... scorpions can't jump at all can they???

Why do sim instructors think it's funny to windmill your prop on the engine you shut down just before you touchdown so that you yaw uncontrollably off the runway...

Actually it probably is funny watching a stud panic because he doesn't know why he's hurtling off the R/W.
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