A friend from America being a total ass. So much so I gave up on even talking to her. This leads me to believe that while I have already been irritated once, it's not a good start for the day.
I predict my girlfriend staying with her friend in town and not coming round, again. Then I'll go to work, and my manager (Nicknamed Miss Management) will irritate me with the mere sight of her. Then when she talks to me ... it'll just be that much worse. Then she'll go home, and I'll still be at work for 10 hours ... which will drag on and on until 4am. And then I'll have to catch a bus at 5:15am ... which drops me off 3 miles from my house ... so I run home, which after a 10 hour shift can be quite irritating. But ... now I'm goin' to bed. .. hopefully for some decent rest to stop me killin' people during the day when they let me down/piss me off/ talk at me/ bother me... merely exist.