What annoyed you today?

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One of my crew cut a piece of wire without wearing his safety glasses and it
flew straight into his eye, making it bleed. The dumbass will be okay, but now
I am faced with generating several accident reports...
The German National Team being booed by the fans here in Germany after loosing to Denmark 1-0 tonight.

It pisses me off because this was the German 2nd and 3rd String playing against the Danish First String. The German coach decided that since it was just a friendship game it would be an opportunity to see how the young players were progressing. The average player on the German team was between 22 and 24.

Well needless to say the German team played very well for a bunch of inexperienced young kids and had plenty of scoring chances against Denmark. Denmark scored in the last few minutes of the game with there first string team and when the game was over the fans booed the team.

I cant believe that. They played well and they are young and the game had no meaning except to give the players some more experience.

Harsh fans...
I wrote an E-mail to the president of the Québec City book convention ( Salon international du livre de Québec - SILQ (which will be held from April 11 to April 15)) on Sunday to know if they were interrested in allowing me to "rent a table" to sell my book... I haven't received an answer yet. May be they don't want to help an "English" author...

Blah... To hell with that ! Anyone knows of book conventions held near their area ? Canada or US ? I'm ready to go down to Miami if needed.
My friend is shipping out to Iraq in a weeks time. I've known the guy since grade school, and he's been one of my closest friends ever since. Now I have to wait for him to get a "permanent" residence in Iraq before I can send him letters and "goodies".
My condolences, Heinz.

Annoyed me? Muslim's hiding behind their religion while on the job. Your a ****ing grocer ystore checkout clerk. Your store sells pork. You refuse to ring it up. You should be tossed out on your ***.
Sitting here this morning 500ft and 4ft above high tide in my house on the central coast of Oregon and watching some dude on the History Channel tell me we are due for a 100ft Tsunami any time now. His exact words were "it could be today, or it could be 50 years. Takes a college degree in panic assessment to say something that stupid.


  • 200736105549_oog_a.gif
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t-dave we all know in Oregon we could drown, have an earth quake or fall in the platonic sphere sink hole like we are in southern Oregon

oh poppy-****

have also heard the last 10 years that the yellowstone geyser freak show is suppose to unify - blow up and out and kill most of Americas populace in one gigantic burst ............
In tpik's defense, it is rather tiresome to continually hear about the myriad ways we all are going to die. Erich, your spot on. No wonder the US populace is so stressed out. We can't see the beauty of life for all the artificially fomented tragedies that are yet to occur.


  • 2007330133332_suicide.gif
    7.6 KB · Views: 51
In tpik's defense, it is rather tiresome to continually hear about the myriad ways we all are going to die. Erich, your spot on. No wonder the US populace is so stressed out. We can't see the beauty of life for all the artificially fomented tragedies that are yet to occur.

We're a bunch of drama queens.
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