What annoyed you today?

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Having to choose between two books festivals... The New York Book Festival on June 23rd and the Vancouver International Writers Festival from October 16 to October 21.

As I work mainly on week-ends, my boss will never let me go two week-ends in a single summer !
I bent over the tuck the boy in last night, and somehow managed to pull a muscle in my back. How pathetic is that... somehow I feel like I was too rough on the body and I'm getting older quick...
All back problems occur when you are doing stupid ****. It never occurs while you are taking cedar chests out of the attic by yourself (yesterday) or lifting rocks for the garden. Noooooooo. Pulled muscles always occur when you are getting in the car, bending over to pick up your clothes or turning your head quickly. Life is so cruel.

Annoyed today? You bet. It seems trying to schedule my kids return from a sleepover, two soccer games, grocery store run, and some burgers at Grandma's requires logistics planning division and Microsoft Project. Man do I get tired of this sometimes. Can't I just enjoy a quiet day?

What would you do without them? Be thankful and do your best. It will all come back to you in the long run. Don't forget to let them know you love them, my parents never even uttered that word aloud in or out of our home. I have always felt good when I see a dad or mom just give their kid a hug. (Don't hurt your neck doing it tho)

Good daddy.

My old man was so busy working 3 jobs that he had no time for me but he sure gave me a good work ethic. He must be happy though.....his son has done better than he, and thats the way it should be.
I bet Adler. Only cure is an evening in bed with the wife. That's what I always say.

I confused my son on the soccer field today. I was the posterparent for how not to get involved with coaching your kid from the sidelines. Yet another lesson in life that I am forced to learn in front of others, O Cruel World. Oh well. If I was wise and mature, there would be no fun left in life I guess.
Another great day in the world of New Jersey politics. Its against the law for you to drive without your seatbelt. Its against the law to speed. They're trying to make it a law that you can't text message while driving. You already can't talk on a cell phone while driving.

Last week our Govenor was in a car crash and severly injured.

He wasn't wearing seatbelt.
His driver was doing 91 mph in a 65 mph zone.
And today we find out his driver was on the cell with his girlfriend's ex.

God, am I annoyed!!! Now I've got an answer next time I'm stopped for a seat belt violation!

I'm considering changing my legal state of residence.
In Oregon now, the state wants to put GPS devices in our cars to track how many miles we travel in Oregon. The device will also track your gas consumption. The higher the consumption per mile the higher your tax rate. If this goes through, I am leaving Oregon for sure. Only thing is, will I be able to find anyone dumb enough to sell my house to?
Texas isn't all that great. The only reason that it doesn't slide into the Gulf is because Oklahoma sucks.

I'm still trying to figure out why Texans have that whole furious state pride thing going. San Antonio is a nice city, I'll give them that. I hope I never end up in Houston again, except maybe on a connecting flight at IAH. My favorite place to live so far has been Virginia.
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