What annoyed you today? (1 Viewer)

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That was the last night of the Ansbach Volksfest and it got pretty wild. I took my camara but the battary was dead. I do have one pic that I have to upload to my computer when the battary is recharged and then I will post it.
Wayne that sucks, just been through that with a sister-in law. prayers are with your familie man !

with nervousness I am expecting a similiar call soon for an uncle
Sorry to hear mate.

Dam you people sure as hell crack me up, some love sheep and other dream about sheep:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, must drive 3km in the flippen cold on my bike and come home not drunk.:(

I can get my mom's car but she would want me to come back before 4 in the morning and that is to early to come home. I want my own car.

Deeply sorry to hear that NS....

Schumacher needs to be severly punished for his actions in qualifying at Monaco...He hasnt at the moment which is why im angry, and to add insult to injury Fisichella had his 3 fastest times deleted...Bastards...
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